About Serra activities

Promoting Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life

Serra Club Essay contest

The eighth grade participated in the Diocesan-wide Serra Club Essay contest. They had to reflect what being “holy” means in the context of their teenage lives and beyond into adulthood. 

Traveling Vocation Crucifix.

The Traveling Vocation Crucifix is a tried-and true program to inspire prayer for vocations. Every week, the crucifix  travels to a new family or classroom.

Yearly dinner with all the seminarians of the Diocese of San Diego

International Rosary for Vocations


Serrans from all over the world are invited to join together in a recitation of the rosary for an increase in vocations to priesthood and consecrated life. 

Humble prayer plants the seed of all great things, including awareness, affirmation, support and awakening to the call of vocations. Our Lady of Vocations, pray for us!